A birthday party at the trampoline center lasts 3 hours – you can celebrate in a way that will use up every last bit of energy. Choose your favorite room here and learn more about the options offered.
Birthday rooms
Laser + sünnatuba
Laser + birthday room
What could be cooler than a birthday room? A birthday room with laser tag! What a trio! Laser tag games + birthday party + trampoline fun.
Trampolino is full of laughter, excitement and adventure!
Trampoline area
Laser game
Ninja track
Birthday rooms
What can you do at Trampolino?
Free time with friends
Visitors of all ages who like to spend their free time actively and enjoy having fun are welcome. Children can jump in the trampoline center independently from the age of 7. Younger visitors can only stay in the center with a parent or an escort (at least 16 years old).
Soovite grupiga tavalistest treeningruumidest välja tulla ja ühe vinge trennielamuse saada?
Trampolino Batuudikeskus on selleks suurepärane koht. Gruppidele (alates 10 inimest) kehtivad erihinnad 7.5 € E-N ja 10.9 € R-P (hinnad on ühe inimese kohta).
Palume oma külaskäigust ette teavitada. Palume ka arvestada, et pesemisvõimalused ja privaatne garderoob on veel valmimisel.
A birthday party at the trampoline center lasts 3 hours - you can celebrate in a way that will use up every last bit of energy. Choose your favorite room here and learn more about the options offered.